Stormwater Trench Drain Solutions

Stormwater is one of the biggest risks for homes and businesses alike when it comes to flooding and standing water. Storms can bring tons of moisture with them, leading to an exponential increase in the amount of water runoff on any property. This can lead to puddles, flooding, and water that rushes through areas, leading to damage or possible injury to pedestrians.

Storm trench drains help to prevent this kind of problem, even when the stormwater surge is at its peak. When you install drainage, you always need to know what the maximum potential for water runoff in your area will be. This is the factor that you need to use to decide what kinds and what size of drainage to install on your property.

Storm Water Trench Drains

Trench drains to handle stormwater can be both traditional in style or can be crafted to be slot drains. Slot drains are ideal when it comes to managing water runoff in areas where there will be lots of foot traffic, but they can also be used inside buildings and on the road or on paths and walkways.

Radius and other kinds of more unique drainage can also be set up with stormwater runoff in mind. If you have a uniquely shaped space that needs a rounded drain, for example, a radius drain can be placed there, which will handle even peak amounts of water runoff with ease.

1.      Standard Trench Drain

Standard trench drains are the most common solution to handle storm surge runoff. These drains can be made in any size and shape and with various slopes to handle even the most intense amount of water runoff without batting an eye. You can choose from many different kinds of drain gratings and covers for these kinds of drains as well, making them highly flexible and truly effective.

2.      Radius or Curved Trench Drains

Radius and curved trench drains are commonly used in areas like swimming pools or near fountains, but you might also see them in common areas in parks or on college campuses. These drains are made to fit the curve of an area, but they can also be set up to handle a huge volume of water with ease. Just like with the standard trench drain, these drains can be covered and protected with various kinds of trench drain gratings and covers so that you can be sure that you are not going to have to deal with standing water or issues with slips or falls.

3.      Slot Drains

Slot drains are ideal when you are looking for a very low-profile type of drain that can still tackle a large volume of water at any given time. Slot drains are made to have a very narrow opening at the top of the drain, and then a much larger drainage channel below the surface that is being drained. These drains don’t need covers, which can be perfect if you are worried about gratings leading to slips and trips, or in areas where there is a lot of vehicle traffic. Slot drains are durable and tough, just like other kinds of trench drains, but they can be placed in nearly any location with ease.

4.      Stainless Steel Linear and Floor Drains

Stainless steel drains of this kind are ideal for breweries and factories where you need to handle runoff on a regular basis that happens in large volumes. This can be common in these kinds of working locations, and you cannot afford to allow standing water to create health hazards or the risk of injury to your staff that is working in and around the area where drainage might be present. These drains also hold up to the challenges of chemical or caustic water runoff, making them the perfect choice for factories and food manufacturing plants.

5.      Utility Trenches

While not used for water runoff management, these kinds of trench drains are important to protect electrical and gas lines from water damage. You can use these kinds of trench setups in even the most challenging areas of your property to keep seeping moisture or flooding from causing significant risks to your property or the people who work at your business. Utility trenches are used in all kinds of areas, from residential properties to business and factory locations, to keep sensitive items from being damaged by moisture or changing weather conditions.

Additionally, if you have high volumes of water runoff to attend to on your property on a regular basis or you are trying to keep caustic runoff from mixing with safe runoff for the sake of the environment, you might need to invest in catch basins, drain basins, or sumps for your drainage system. These added items will help to contain an excess of water during periods of peak flow, and then direct the water to the right places with ease.

Many factories use these added parts of their drainage system to make sure that water that cannot be released into streams and other natural habitats is carefully directed to the right alternate drainage areas. You might also need a catch basin or a sump to handle large amounts of water runoff near a swimming pool or in your yard if you have tough winter weather each year.

Be sure that you ask about these added water management solutions when you are building your drainage system. They might add the last layer of protection that you need to keep standing water at bay on your property.

Having the Right Stormwater Drainage is Key

There is no reason to deal with standing water, flooding, or issues with water damaging your foundation and basement each year. Having the right stormwater management in place on your property can make all the difference when it comes to the health and safety of your family or your employees. You can access many different kinds of highly-effective drainage solutions for your home or business to ensure that stormwater runoff isn’t a threat or a problem.

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