Today we want to feature a trench drain installation done by a plumber in SW Florida who had never installed trench drain before.

The first thing that was done was to install the catch basin. Note that the basin has installation brackets to easily level and secure the basin in the correct location (unlike many of the other commercial trench drain systems on the market). Next notice that the basin has a piece of pipe integrally cast into the basin that makes connection easy. Not need to drill and seal holes.

Now notice the long trench sections with factory installed plywood in the top. The wood keeps concrete out and allowed the use of a wood scab to hold the sections in perfect alignment. The metal installation brackets allowed the trench drain to be rigidly installed on grade. Finally, notice the factory attached end plate. All these features make the installation fast and simple. This drain literally had 5 pieces and 0 boxes of hardware to figure out where it went.
This plumbing contractor who had 0 experience with trench drains looked like a pro on the first try installing trench drain because he made his most critical decision before the job started – he ordered the installer friendly Dura Trench drain system!