I was recently asked by a plumbing contractor what makes your trench drain product better than any other? It has been a while since I have been asked this question. When you live daily with the best trench drain product, you start to assume everyone knows why your product is better. Let’s take a deeper look at why every contractor should consider using Dura Trench:
Long sections – The Dura Trench drain comes in 8′ long sections. Less sections means less pieces to deal with and a straighter trench.

Rigid installation devices – The metal installation brackets that are factory attached don’t require you to assemble them and won’t break off. They are strong and actually hold the product where it should be even during the concrete pour.
End plates and outlets – These are factory attached so that you don’t have to do this in the field. Isn’t that nice to not have to figure out how they attach and which one goes where. We also attach any size or type of pipe outlet you request so that everything fits perfectly with standard couplings. No adapters required!
Properly labeled – Each trench section is labeled for the specific run that it goes with and numbered by the depth of the piece. You will know just where the piece goes without question.
Shipping – Our trench is not breakable and it is palletized to actually make it to your job in one piece. Many other systems have a very high percentage of parts that can’t survive the truck journey to your job site. Then they make you chase down the shipping company for reimbursement which you rarely receive. Do you really want this hassle?

Plywood – Dura Trench ships their trench with plywood in the top to keep the concrete out and give you a place to brace the trench. Other systems require you to do this or they give you some flimsy plastic piece to put in the trench. These don’t accept a screw or nail well and certainly are not safe to walk or drive over.
Straight – Isn’t it terrible that I have to mention this? Who would sell a product that isn’t straight. Well, every thermo-plastic trench out there. They are not straight from the factory and only get worse once they get into the construction environment. Dura Trench is straight and will yield a very nice finished drain product without extra effort from you in the field.
WOW! I really am just getting started but in order to not bore you I think I will quit now. Don’t accept just any trench drain from a manufacturer only interested in making profits. Choose a drain product that was designed for installers by installers. There is a 5-10 time reduction in installation cost so feel the difference and purchase a Dura Trench drain!