Several years ago, our talented engineers developed our first Dura Trench Utility and Cable Trenches. Since then, our company has continually challenged itself to improve our designs through engineering development as well as improving our manufacturing processes. All our utility trenches can be used for electrical, hydraulic, water, sewer, gas, low voltage, high voltage, chemical piping, and all other processes that require a cable trench or utility trench.
We manufacture each system to order in the USA. Because of this, we’re able to offer our customers something that no one else in our industry can: Customization. By allowing our customers this ability, we’re able to build each order to their project’s exact specifications and site requirements! As our customer, you can expect your system to arrive on-site, ready to install. Eric’sons even fabricate all your system’s intricate turns, tees, and slopes, in our factory, eliminating the need for lengthy and costly field fabrications! So what else sets our utility trenches apart from the competitions’?
Channel Struts
Dura Trench Utility and Cable Trenches are the first in the industry to include fully integrated channel struts. For the strut material, you can choose between FRP, Stainless Steel, and Galvanized Steel (standard) channel struts. As part of our manufacturing process, we anchor the integral channel struts into the concrete so that any pipe diameter that you can fit into the utility trench body can be supported without concern.
Chemical Resistance
Eric’sons uses proprietary advanced polymer technology in the body of Dura Trench channels, making our utility trenches a viable secondary containment vessel in most applications. However, if strong chemicals are present, we recommend the use of our vinyl ester polymer bodies. Please refer to our chemical resistance guide when deciding on which polymer body is right for your application.
One of the most important but often overlooked components of a utility trench system is the load-bearing frame. This is typically a metal component at the top of the trench drain that takes all the abuse from surface traffic. When the frame is properly selected, it will take the weight applied to it and distribute the load to the surrounding concrete. Your frame consideration must also be evaluated for environmental concerns and aesthetics to ensure it works with all aspects of the design. You can read more about selecting the right load-bearing frame here.
Solid Cover and Grating Options
When you order your utility trench system, you’ll be asked to choose from one of our many solid cover and grating options. If you don’t see what you like, just ask! Our engineer designers will work with you to create exactly what you want. We ship all our utility trenches with temporary plywood covers to ensure the integrity of the system during transit, to aid in installation, and to protect the channel from poured concrete and foot traffic during construction. Please wait to remove the temporary plywood covers and install the trench covers until after construction has ended and you’re ready to install the permanent grates or solid covers.
Slope, Depth, & Trench Width
In many applications, utility trenches are shallow and have a neutral slope. With competitor channels, you can expect to be limited by a predetermined depth, width, and slope. However, with Dura Trench Utility Trench, you define these measurements to your project’s specifications!
We’ve been installing utility trenches since 1998. Our experienced installation crews are available for contracting and subcontracting, based on your needs and construction schedule.
Would you like to learn more about Dura Trench Utility Trench or installation? Contact us today at 770-505-6575 or click here to find your local sales representative